27 research outputs found

    Analisis Komponen Utama pada Kondisi Aset Koperasi Simpan Pinjam di Indonesia: Data BPS Tahun 2012-2015

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    Memasuki tahun 2000, koperasi di Indonesia didominasi oleh Koperasi Simpan Pinjam. Koperasi simpan pinjam adalah koperasi yang memiliki usaha tunggal yaitu menampung simpanan anggota dan melayani peminjaman. Manfaat ekonomi masa depan yang terwujud dalam aset adalah potensi dari aset tersebut untuk memberikan sumbangan, baik langsung maupun tidak terhadap aliran kas dan setara kepada entitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antar variabel yang mempengaruhi perkembangan aset koperasi simpan pinjam di Indonesia sejak tahun 2012-2015 dengan menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (AKU). AKU merupakan salah satu teknik untuk menganalisis data berdimensi besar [1]. &nbsp


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    Determining quality spices is one example of decision-making issues based on many factors or semi-structured criteria. Decision support system is part of one of the computer-based information systems commonly used to support decision making on a company's activities to find a very good traditional spice. Decision support system of the selection of traditional spices qualified in making herbal turmeric acid can be produced by using several methods, one of them is the weighted product (WP) method. Weighted product is one method of solving the problem that uses multiplication to connect the attribute value, where the value of each attribute must be raised first with the weight of attribute concerned. By using this product weihgted method, it is expected to help the research team to determine the selection of spices of very high quality. By using the decision support system and computerization, the quality of spice data can be stored therein, if there is an error in inputting the value or spice data herbal turmeric acid, then the wrong data can be repaired without re-input value or quality spice data

    THE Analysis of Regional Income on Economic Growth Lampung Province

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    Purpose: The important indicators in economic growth are financial performance and regional finance. This study aims to provide empirical evidence of the role of regional income and financial performance on economic growth, and economic growth as an indicator of community welfare in an area. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses panel data analysis to test the regression model. Findings: The findings reveal that regional income and economic performance on economic growth have an influence on the level of community welfare in Lampung Province, but the evidence proves that regional levies are not significant on community welfare. Practical implications: This study also provides evidence that the regional retribution is not significant, so that the regional retribution has a value that has not been able to improve welfare in the of Lampung province. Paper type: Research articl


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    Determining quality spices is one example of decision-making issues based on many factors or semi-structured criteria. Decision support system is part of one of the computer-based information systems commonly used to support decision making on a company's activities to find a very good traditional spice. Decision support system of the selection of traditional spices qualified in making herbal turmeric acid can be produced by using several methods, one of them is the weighted product (WP) method. Weighted product is one method of solving the problem that uses multiplication to connect the attribute value, where the value of each attribute must be raised first with the weight of attribute concerned. By using this product weihgted method, it is expected to help the research team to determine the selection of spices of very high quality. By using the decision support system and computerization, the quality of spice data can be stored therein, if there is an error in inputting the value or spice data herbal turmeric acid, then the wrong data can be repaired without re-input value or quality spice data

    Analisis Keragaman Produk dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Produk Darsa Fruits Chips

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh keragaman produk dan kualitas peproduk terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dengan metode angket, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sampel yang digunakan adalah pelanggan produk Darsa Fruits Chips. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode random sampling. Alat analisis pada studi ini menggunakan model regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian memberikan bukti empiris bahwa Keragaman produk dan kualitas produk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Keragaman produk dan kualitas produk menjadi faktor penting bagi produk Darsa Fruits Chips, hal ini dibuktikan oleh peningkatan omset penjualan produk yang meningkat terus dan feedback yang positif dari pelanggan. Selain itu pula produk darsa fruits chips memiliki karakteristik khas daerah yang dapat meningkatkan produk kearifan loka


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    The Department of Population and Civil Registration of Pringsewu Regency is an office that handles population fields such as making e-KTP, Family Cards (KK), Child Identity Cards (KIA), and Birth Certificates. In carrying out its duties as a public servant, this service does not yet have a system that can be used online so that people whose homes are far from the office experience problems in receiving these services, not to mention the requirements for making population administration sometimes not yet known by the public. This limitation makes researchers want to create a system that can be used by the community without having to come directly to the Disdukcapil office. The existence of this system is expected to help Disdukcapil employees in providing their services without being constrained by distance and time. The population data m-government (mobile government) system can be used as a source of information for both Pringsewu residents and residents outside Pringsewu regarding the terms and conditions in making population administration by simply accessing information / services by mobile.Keywords: system, m-government, population data, Department of Population and Civil Registration

    Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap Ukuran Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Industri Barang Konsumsi

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    Tujuan utama perusahaan berdiri adalah meningkatkan nilai perusahaan melalui peningkatan kemakmuran pemilik atau para pemegang saham.Bagi perusahaan yang sudah go public maka nilai pasar ditentukan oleh mekanisme permintaan dan penawaran di bursa yang tercermin dalam listing price. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan, salah satunya adalah faktor kinerja lingkungan. Kinerja lingkungan yang baik akan menyebabkan perusahaan banyak mengungkapkan kegiatan sosial yang dilakukan perusahaan. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) juga mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan, dimana perusahaan yang telah melaksanakan CSR akan mendapatkan kepercayaan dari masyarakat luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh CSR terhadap nilai perusahaan pada perusahaan konsumsi makanan yang terdaftar dalam BEI pada tahun 2012-2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data yang terdaftar dalam Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini sesuai dengan teori signaling dimana perusahaan yang memberikan informasi bagus akan dipercaya oleh investor

    Characteristic Estimator of Interval-Censored Binomial Data and Its Application

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    This study aims to determine the estimation of interval-censored data with a special distribution, namely the binomial distribution. This research is using quantitative methods, the steps are estimating parameters on the interval-censored binomial distribution using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method. The second step shows the properties of the estimator on the interval-censored binomial distribution. The last is to determine the parameter estimation of interval-censored data from the binomial distribution in survival analysis and provide an example of research containing interval-censored observations which will then be used as a case study. The results showed that the estimator is a sufficient statistic, meaning that it is unbiased. The case study was conducted using interval-censored data regarding the study of ninety-four breast cancer patients to see which group survived longer (survival value) of the two treatments, namely patients who underwent radiotherapy alone and patients who underwent radiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan estimasi data interval-tersensor dengan distribusi binomial. Penelitian ini mengestimasi parameter pada distribusi binomial interval-tersensor menggunakan metode maximum likelihood estimation dan menunjukkan sifat-sifat estimator pada distribusi binomial interval-tersensor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa estimator statistik yang cukup dan bersifat simetris


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    Menghadapi era ”new normal” COVID-19 tidak dapat disamakan dengan saat menjalani kehidupan normal. Seluruh tatanan kehidupan telah berubah dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan dan meminimalisir kontak fisik. Kegiatan ekonomi, pendidikan, religi, dan pariwisata berangsur menggeliat dengan pola baru. Sektor pariwisata sebagai salah satu penopang pendapatan daerah harus mampu berinovasi agar tetap dapat memberikan layanan prima dan memperoleh kepercayaan dari pelanggan. Taman wisata Talang Indah sebagai salah satu ikon wisata taman di Kabupaten Pringsewu, Lampung melakukan inovasi dalam membantu pemerintah meminimalisir penyebaran COVID-19, yakni dengan memberlakukan sistem e-ticket bagi para pengunjung. Alat pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Unified Modeling Language (UML) menggunakan use case diagram, diagram activity, sequence diagram dan class diagram. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan extreme programming, yang memiliki keunggulan pengembangan sistem yang lebih cepat dan proses pengembangan lebih responsif terhadap kebutuhan pelanggan.Dengan sistem ini pengunjung dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan ticket dari wisata secara mudah selain itu proses pembuatan laporan data pengunjung dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan akurat sehingga dapat meningkatkan keuntungan dalam segi waktu maupun efesiensi bagi wisata tersebut.Kata kunci : e-ticket, new normal, wisata, Talang Indah E-TICKET: EFFECTIVE APPLICATIONS IN DEALING WITHNEW NORMAL COVID-19FOR TALANG INDAH PRINGSEWU DISTRICT’sVISITORSFacing the “new normal” era COVID-19 cannot be compared to living a normal life. The whole structure of life has changed by observing health protocols and minimizing physical contact. Economic activities, education, religion and tourism are gradually expanding with new patterns. The tourism sector as one of the pillars of regional income must be able to innovate so that it can still provide excellent service and gain the trust of customers.Talang Indah tourism park as one of the park tourism icons in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung has made an innovation in helping the government to minimize the spread of COVID-19, namely by implementing an e-ticket system for visitors. The system development tool used is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) using use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams. The system development method used is extreme programming, which has the advantage of a faster system development and the development process is more responsive to customer needs. With this system visitors can easily get tickets from tours easily besides that the process of making visitor data reports can be done quickly and accurately so as to increase profits in terms of time and efficiency for these tours.Keywords : e-ticket, new normal, tourism, Talang Inda